Courtney LambertJonathan Rowsell, Tuba

Born: St. John's, NL
Raised: St. John's, NL

B. Mus, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland
M. Mus, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland

Performed with:
Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra
Canadian Staff Band of the Salvation Army
Hannaford Street Silver Band

Video game with most hours logged: HALO

In 2011, tubist Jonathan Rowsell moved to Ontario to begin work on his Doctorate of Musical Arts at the University of Toronto. He can be heard performing with the Canadian Staff Band, BrassRoots Brass Ensemble, Guelph Symphony Orchestra, and the Hannaford Street Silver Band. Jonathan is also in demand as a brass clinician and teacher, maintaining a busy schedule of private teaching, brass workshops, and masterclasses. More than just a tuba player, Jonathan is an enthusiastic composer and arranger and has had his works broadcast on CBC’s Musicraft, recorded by the Canadian Staff Band and German Staff Band, and published in various brass band journals.

Born and raised in St. John’s Newfoundland, Jonathan received his earliest musical training from his father David and the various band programs offered at the Salvation Army St. John’s Temple Corps. He attended Memorial University of Newfoundland where he studied tuba with Dave Reid and Dr. Karen Bulmer, and composition with Dr. Andrew Staniland.

on to Andre Dubelsten, Trumpets --->